Saturday, September 16, 2006

My BBQ Sauce Baby

Eating ribs and nursing don't mix. But when you're really hungry, and so is the baby, it seems like a harmless idea. I'll be careful, I won't drop anything on Quin...maybe if I was eating carrot sticks like I should be. So that is how Quin ended up with BBQ sauce on his PJs. And what's worse, I put him to bed in them anyhow! He fell asleep and I certainly wasn't going to wake him up. I'll leave that off of my application for the mother-of-the-year award. On the bright side, I also got a little sauce on his hand and he didn't have an allergic reaction so I guess that's one less food allergy to worry about!

I've also discovered that Quin loves Baby Einstein DVDs. I don't really think they'll make him smarter but they do make him quiet and happy while mommy takes a shower or makes dinner (shake and bake takes time you know) so they're alright in my book. Here's a picture of him enjoying his latest Baby Einstein DVD...Baby Galileo. They name them all after very smart people so you'll think your baby will turn into a genius if you make sure to buy all 57 DVDs. He looks like me when I watch 24 - confused and intrigued. Pretty soon he'll be making me pause it so he can ask me stupid questions about what's going on in the movie like I do to Joe!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Quin's first summer

Summer is pretty much over now so I thought I'd do a recap of Quin's season via photos. Here are the cutest of the cute:

Here he is sun-bathing to get rid of the jaundice, just a few days after returning from the hospital.

Here he is at 6 weeks old, clearly not too happy with me for leaving him half naked on the floor to get a picture.

8 weeks old and really starting to enjoy life outside the womb!

Snuggling with Auntie Lissa at Stevie and Judy's wedding

Quin very excited to be on his first family vacation in Maine.

...but not so excited for his first boat ride!

Quin and Aydin - BFF

Quin at his Christening with Auntie Liz, 3 months old

Here is Quin with his chapeau...this is what happens when you forget to bring a hat. We had to improvise Bubba style with a hanky to protect Quin's little head from the sun :)

Quin with cousin Ashley at Point Sebago, Maine

Crashing after a long night of partying with DJ Flamin' Raymond!

Visiting Grammy down the Cape...Quin loves his buggies!

What to be or not to be...

Finding the right Halloween costume is like looking for a prom dress. It has to look great for pictures and God forbid some other bundle of joy is wearing the same one! Quin was going to be Nemo because we have a costume that his cousin Luke wore last year. But, as you can see from the picture, it's way too big. His arms get lost in it and he screams his little head off everytime the hood part covers his eyes. We have a pumpkin costume from his cousin Ki but that's too small. It's like The Three Bears dilemma.
As a result, Joe and I are currently discussing other other words we can't agree :) Here are the choices we've narrowed the search down to:

I'm pretty sure Joe won't go for the honey pot one because of the hat, but it's so cute I had to include it! Anyhow, I figured I'd put the pictures here so people could weigh in on their favorite and help me decide.