Friday, September 15, 2006

Quin's first summer

Summer is pretty much over now so I thought I'd do a recap of Quin's season via photos. Here are the cutest of the cute:

Here he is sun-bathing to get rid of the jaundice, just a few days after returning from the hospital.

Here he is at 6 weeks old, clearly not too happy with me for leaving him half naked on the floor to get a picture.

8 weeks old and really starting to enjoy life outside the womb!

Snuggling with Auntie Lissa at Stevie and Judy's wedding

Quin very excited to be on his first family vacation in Maine.

...but not so excited for his first boat ride!

Quin and Aydin - BFF

Quin at his Christening with Auntie Liz, 3 months old

Here is Quin with his chapeau...this is what happens when you forget to bring a hat. We had to improvise Bubba style with a hanky to protect Quin's little head from the sun :)

Quin with cousin Ashley at Point Sebago, Maine

Crashing after a long night of partying with DJ Flamin' Raymond!

Visiting Grammy down the Cape...Quin loves his buggies!


At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so cute, he is going to grow up to loooove the summer!


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