Saturday, September 08, 2007

First Day of School

Quin and I survived our first week of school. With Joe starting his masters program and me going back to school, I feel like we have no time to do anything! I pick up Quin from daycare, come home, get dinner ready, clean up from dinner, make lunches for the next day, give Quin his bath, put him to bed, and then I finally have a few minutes to relax just as Joe starts doing bills or schoolwork. It's crazy! I'm hoping it'll get better, but we seem to just keep getting busier!

Speaking of getting busier, we are starting our MAPP training Tuesday. Don't ask me what it stands for, we just keep telling people "adoption classes." Apparently it's OK to mess up your biological kids, but they want to make sure you're trained to be a good parent before you adopt :) Anyhow, I'm a little frustrated because everything about this process is hurry up and wait. We had to hurry up and finish our application, then wait for them to put us in MAPP classes. Then we get a phone call 5 days before classes start and they want to know ASAP if we'll be able to attend. And if we can't attend on such short notice, I asked? Well then we can just wait another 8 months for the next training they'll offer. Great. So, we are starting the training. It is Tuesdays and Thursdays for 3 hours a session. The good thing is it'll be over in a month and then they can work on our home study and we'll be that much closer. Well, Quin and I are off to spend some quality time before the weekend slips way!