Joe says I'm losing it
After finding the remote on the dinner table and tripping over a pile of Quin's toys Joe informed me that I'm losing it. Not because these objects are not where they belong, but because I have very good reasons why they are where they are. It usually goes something like this:
I was watching TV when the phone rang so I hit pause on the remote (god bless TiVo) and still had the remote in my hand when I went to get the phone. The phone was on the dinner table because I was talking on it when I fed Quin his prunes earlier. So I put the remote down where the phone was. As I'm talking on the phone, I decide to pick up Quin's scattered toys (probably the ones he threw while eating his prunes) and put them on top of his food tray which is on the floor. I am about to put them in their proper place (the floor of a different room probably) when the phone conversation reminds me of something I want to look up online. So that is why Joe finds the remote in the dining room and then trips over a pile of toys while trying to put Quin to bed without waking him. I think he was also a little annoyed later when I made him rewind the show we were watching not once, not twice, but three times because I kept getting confused. However, while I agree I am totally losing it, I would like to point out that while he was teasing me he used the word "second-of-ly" and I bet anything that's not in the Scrabble dictionary!
Random story time: The picture above has nothing to do with anything but its cute, isn't it? It's Quin being a crabby lobster. It's not with the other Halloween pics because I had to crop out my sexy double chin before posting it :) Speaking of Halloween pictures, if I had not left my camera behind on Halloween, I would have some very cute pictures from today to post. Quin had his friend Aydin over and I watched them both...and lived to tell the tale! I wish someone had snapped a picture of me trying to maneuver 2 car seats out the door at once while trying not to wake the babies sleeping in them. Very difficult. But the best was when I had them both on the floor playing and Aydin yanked off Quin's shoe and started biting his toe!! Quin just stared at him for a minute and then started kicking him in the chin. Does that count as his first fight?