Joe says I'm losing it
After finding the remote on the dinner table and tripping over a pile of Quin's toys Joe informed me that I'm losing it. Not because these objects are not where they belong, but because I have very good reasons why they are where they are. It usually goes something like this:
I was watching TV when the phone rang so I hit pause on the remote (god bless TiVo) and still had the remote in my hand when I went to get the phone. The phone was on the dinner table because I was talking on it when I fed Quin his prunes earlier. So I put the remote down where the phone was. As I'm talking on the phone, I decide to pick up Quin's scattered toys (probably the ones he threw while eating his prunes) and put them on top of his food tray which is on the floor. I am about to put them in their proper place (the floor of a different room probably) when the phone conversation reminds me of something I want to look up online. So that is why Joe finds the remote in the dining room and then trips over a pile of toys while trying to put Quin to bed without waking him. I think he was also a little annoyed later when I made him rewind the show we were watching not once, not twice, but three times because I kept getting confused. However, while I agree I am totally losing it, I would like to point out that while he was teasing me he used the word "second-of-ly" and I bet anything that's not in the Scrabble dictionary!
Random story time: The picture above has nothing to do with anything but its cute, isn't it? It's Quin being a crabby lobster. It's not with the other Halloween pics because I had to crop out my sexy double chin before posting it :) Speaking of Halloween pictures, if I had not left my camera behind on Halloween, I would have some very cute pictures from today to post. Quin had his friend Aydin over and I watched them both...and lived to tell the tale! I wish someone had snapped a picture of me trying to maneuver 2 car seats out the door at once while trying not to wake the babies sleeping in them. Very difficult. But the best was when I had them both on the floor playing and Aydin yanked off Quin's shoe and started biting his toe!! Quin just stared at him for a minute and then started kicking him in the chin. Does that count as his first fight?
Welcome to the world of Mommy brain.
I like to tell folks how I knew when I adopted Nicky that my standards would lower ... it'd be harder to get laundry done, harder to finish up doing the dishes, the floor would likely end up dirtier (even crunchy), etc.
This all proved to be true.
What I didn't expect is how my psychological standards would lower. I was driving along one day and realized that I'd forgotton to bring something to Noelle's school. Again. And it didn't even bother me. I just shrugged it off.
A year ago, it would have bothered me. :-)
Has Joe ever had it to say you're losing it?
Good point!
You have a system and Joe doesn't get it but it makes sense to me. I am also sick right now and having visions but I am sure you're not losing it. Love ya - Annie
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