Watching the Game
Here is my little man watching the Pats game with his dad. No new stories today, just a cute picture. I watched cousin Luke today so I'm too tired to write a story! Actually, the two boys played nicely together. Changing two sets of diapers is pretty time consuming, though. I don't know how my mother-in-law ever did it - she had 3 kids in diapers at the same time! If I had 3 kids in diapers I'd be trying to convince Joe that we need to hire a potty training tutor :)
that's the cutest pic!
21 years from now we'll be watching the game together and we'll BOTH be on the bottle by then!
Yeah but by then Quin will be out of diapers and you'll be back in them :) Just kidding!
Nice one! Oh yeah and by the way that's when I give him back :=)
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