Saturday, December 02, 2006

French Fries

Today we visited Grammy and Quin discovered french fries. We tried entertaining him during dinner with his cookies and toys but he wanted what everyone else had. I'm not in love with the idea of him eating french fries, very choke-able if you ask me, but it did keep him occupied while I ate my ribs. Speaking of french fries, that reminds me of last night's crazy Quin vignette. During dinner last night he got covered in orange/brown mush after eating carrots and beef baby food (yuck) so Auntie Rach helped me give him a bath. We threw in the usual toys - fishies, froggy, face cloth for him to chew on, but after a few minutes of playing with them he discovered an even better toy: his dinky! Those of you not from the Gibbons family can probably guess what that means without too much help. Anyhow, I thought it was absolutely hysterical but Joe was not amused. Auntie Lissa thinks maybe he's confused and thinks he has another finger or something. At any rate he has now discovered his boy parts and won't leave them alone when I'm trying to change him...typical!

PS: props to Grammy for taking, cropping, and emailing these pics. She's come such a long way with technology!

Baby's Best Friend

Here is Buddy wondering why Quin wants to bite his butt :)

Friday, December 01, 2006

Don't bite the dog!

I am loving my new nanny job. Julia, the little baby girl that I watch, is such an angel and Quin thinks she is super interesting. He's always talking to her and clapping and trying to get at her when she's in her bouncy seat. He'll grab onto the edge of her seat and pull until either he falls over or the blanket starts to slide. I do worry about what will happen when he is actually mobile enough to get to her, but we'll just cross that bridge when we get there. Quin has gotten used to hanging out at Julia's house during the day and certainly enjoys playing with her toys. It must be nice to chew on someone else's toys from time to time :) He also gets along very well with the dog, Buddy. (Is it just me or is every dog named Buddy?) Buddy likes Quin, too, because Quin is always dropping cookies and toys on the floor, which Buddy promptly eats. They have an understanding; Buddy tolerates Quin poking him and pulling at his ears and in return, anything that falls from Quin's walker is fair game for Buddy. Yesterday Quin was patting Buddy (well trying desperately to pull his hair) and then Quin leaned over and bit the dog's behind! Buddy didn't seem to notice and Quin didn't seem to care that he got a mouth full of dog hair. It made me wonder why I go nuts trying to get the dog hairs off his binky, clearly it doesn't bother him! I have some cute pics of Quin & Buddy but I'm tired of fighting with blogger so I'll have to post them later.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

First Fever

Sunday night Quin got his first fever. Here I am giving him a bath to help make him feel better. I cut myself out of the picture because I look like, well like a mom who has been up all night worrying about her baby. You'd think he had malaria with how worried I was. He still had the fever as of 5am today but I gave him some Motrin (again) and he's back to normal. I can vividly remember way back at infant care class with Joe when they went over taking the baby's temperature. I can remember thinking "I'm NEVER taking his temperature rectally, I'll figure something else out" and yet, there I was at 5am with the thermometer up his butt yet again! Surprisingly he's not all that bothered by it as long as I distract him with a toy or his favorite song. Sadly, his favorite song is now 'Apples and Bananas' and not 'Surrey with the Fringe on Top' as it was previously. Enter the era of annoying kids' songs. Anyhow, he seems to be doing OK but at night it is the worst! I stayed on the couch with him for a few hours last night but that really can't be considered resting on my part because I'm constantly being elbowed and drooled on - I'm talking about Quin, not Joe! And then this morning he coughed so hard that he threw up. Joe looked at me like 'fix him!' and I almost burst into tears. I just hate seeing him sick. Funny story: Joe was trying to make me feel better when I was going to sleep last night so he said "Quin's not breathing heavy anymore" meaning that he wasn't as stuffy. He got "Quin's not breathing" out and I was already at the bedroom door, heart pounding. I really do have new mom syndrome.
Right now he's watching Elmo on TV. He just loves Elmo. When Quin sees that furry red face come on the TV he laughs and claps. It could be worse, he could like Barney. I thought he was too young to know the difference between kids' shows and my shows but I realize this is not true. I started a new job watching the cutest little girl named Julia. She's 3 months old and I watch her every day but Tuesdays. Anyhow, Julia's mom really is the mother-of-the-year type and she puts on appropriate educational programming for her little sweet pea, unlike last night's House on TiVo like I put on for Quin. So when we went over there Quin got his first glimpse of Elmo and he's been hooked ever since. By the way, the new job is why there has been a lack of posts. I am enjoying it tremendously (after all, I can't put Quin in pink frilly outfits with ruffles on the bum) but it is exhausting! So, look for new posts on Tuesdays and the weekends but don't expect much more than that. After changing double the diapers, listening to double the crying, and doing all the other double baby duties I'm just too tired to fight with my computer. Maybe if I can get them to nap at the same time, and for more than 5 minutes, I can post more often. OK, there is more to say but this post is already too long so I'll leave you with some pictures of Quin and his cousins.