Saturday, November 11, 2006

You say it's your birthday!

Today we went over to see Quin's cousin, Kathryn. She just turned 4 and she's shown here with another of Quin's cousins, Allison. Quin got to play outside with his cousins before sharing in some birthday cake - just a little frosting. Here is Quin with his cousin Lauren. He was being QJ Crankypants but he went right to sleep when she held him!

We put Quin down for some tummy time (he still hates it) and the kids decided to join him. It was spontaneous and so cute. He loved it! He just loves the big kids. It's strange that the kids that I still see as the babies of the family are now big kids to my own son.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

New Cousin

Here is Quin's new baby cousin, Olivia. What a cutie!!


I don't have a picture today, so sorry. However, I wanted to let everyone know that Quin has reached another milestone in his early childhood development. No, he still can't roll over or crawl, but he can suck through a straw! Yes, my son's milestones all seem to revolve around food. Today I was letting him chew on the straw from my frappuccino, as usual, and he sucked up some caffeinated caramel yumminess. He loved it! Usually he just chews and occasionally lucks out and gets some sweetness that was left at the top of the straw, but today he hit the jackpot. He was totally stoked...until I took it away. At first I figured if he was drinking the frappuccino then at least I had my boobs to myself, but then I thought about the fact that he already has trouble sleeping at night and decided it was a bad idea. At least until I switch to decaf :) On a more useful level, he can also sit up now. Not for more than a few minutes, but it's still pretty cool. Sometimes he holds onto his toes for balance.

Speaking of development, yesterday we met a little girl who's 3 months old and she mimics you if you stick out your tongue and make faces. Joe commented that Quin doesn't mimic and I blasted him. Quin doesn't want to mimic people, he's a leader not a follower. If he wanted to mimic you he would but he doesn't. Other people mimic him! Joe said it sounded like quite the mom response. Kind of like how I believe he's just not interested in rolling over or crawling. Anyhow, Aunt Pat says he's very bright and she would know. Quin and I are hoping to go see his new baby cousin Olivia who just arrived today. I know for a fact that she can't roll over or mimic yet so Quin won't feel like he's behind the ball :) Anyway, a special congrats to Stevie and Judy (Liv's parents) and I will post a picture of her and Quin as soon as I get the two of them together!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fall Montage

Tonight Ryan played the part of "my baby daddy" because Joe was at the game. Since we couldn't really tailgate, our pre-game activities involved dressing Quin in a Vinatieri diaper and taking pictures.

Here is Quin carving a pumpkin with his Daddy. We got him his own pumpkin to play with but he just kept trying to bite the stem.

Here is Auntie Lissa wearing Quin's Halloween costume. She's trying to convince Quin that it's fun to wear the hat.