Who needs sleep?
This may not look like a baby who isn't getting enough sleep, but trust me, he's getting less sleep than any other infant I know. Here's a typical night for us lately: He has his bath at 7, eats some cereal, we read a book, and he's asleep by 8. Perfect! Then he wakes up at 9 - maybe he has gas or his teeth are bothering him. Give him some Motrin and put him back down. He wakes up at 10. I blame the cat for meowing too loudly and waking the baby up. I wag my finger at Silky and kick her out of his room, we cuddle, he goes back to sleep. 12am, awake again. By now I figure he's got a full diaper or an empty stomach so we take care of those 2 things and it's back to bed. 2am - awake AGAIN for no apparent reason. Calm him down, back to bed. 3am - now you have to understand that each time he wakes up he screams his little head off so by this point I've had it and I elbow Joe and send him in to comfort Quin. 4am - still Joe's turn. 5am - back to me because he may be hungry again. 6am - this is when he wakes up refreshed and ready to play. How is he refreshed?? He hasn't slept! I look like a bag lady and there is no amount of coffee that can make me feel human, never mind refreshed! And thus, I have no time to post...or eat, shower, do Christmas shopping, etc. I'll also warn you right now that if you post a comment about "letting him cry it out" I will come through the computer and beat you. I tried that and got 4 HOURS of crying before I caved and took him out. 4 HOURS. We're going to talk to the pediatrician on Tuesday about it and I'm hoping he'll have some good advice. "Yes Mrs. Graham, the problem is that you put him in the blue pajamas. Put him in the red ones and he'll sleep through the night no problem!" Wouldn't that be nice! In the mean time, you should all buy stock in Dunkin Donuts because they are making a fortune off of me. Oh, and I have to thank my mom for these pics. I don't have the energy to get the pictures from my own camera so I am using hers. He was in such a good mood tonight! The last 2 pictures show him laughing his head off because Grammy was tickling him under the chin. The first picture is of course Quin trying to eat a snowman that sings Christmas carols. OK, time for me to get some sleep before the next shift.