Friday, February 02, 2007

The dog seems to like it

Today Quin managed to get a hold of the dog's food bowl. As he dumped it onto his tray and started to stuff a handful of meaty dog food morsels into his mouth, I had only one thought: grab the camera!! Luckily, I was able to snap this picture and get him out of the walker before he was able to nibble on any of Buddy's food. Maybe this will teach Buddy not to eat Quin's cookies! As you can see by this picture (and the ones below) he really has fun at Julia's house. If he would stop trying to eat her toes she might enjoy it as well!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Forward Progress

Here is Quin attempting to crawl. Well it's really Joe and I trying to force him into it by keeping his favorite toy out of reach. He absolutely loves this little monkey his Auntie Donna and Uncle Carl gave him and tries desperately to get to it so that he can chew on the arm. However, he just ends up going backwards and then he gets really mad. You can see how exhausting all of this is for Quin in the picture of him and Opa. I can't tell you how many pictures I have of the two of them sleeping...they even snore the same!
Quin can now stand holding onto things (usually my hair) and takes little tiny steps. He can almost pull himself up to a standing position but he usually ends up getting stuck somehow. Tonight after dinner I put him on my shoulders and he got a kick out of that. In fact, he thought it was so exciting he threw up on my head! Must be like a baby amusement park ride - like the time my cousin John decided to go on the Turkish Twist a dozen times because it was so much fun. Speaking of John, he is in Cuba right now with the Coast Guard. Hopefully he has internet access so he can keep up with Quin's new adventures :)