Saturday, September 16, 2006

My BBQ Sauce Baby

Eating ribs and nursing don't mix. But when you're really hungry, and so is the baby, it seems like a harmless idea. I'll be careful, I won't drop anything on Quin...maybe if I was eating carrot sticks like I should be. So that is how Quin ended up with BBQ sauce on his PJs. And what's worse, I put him to bed in them anyhow! He fell asleep and I certainly wasn't going to wake him up. I'll leave that off of my application for the mother-of-the-year award. On the bright side, I also got a little sauce on his hand and he didn't have an allergic reaction so I guess that's one less food allergy to worry about!

I've also discovered that Quin loves Baby Einstein DVDs. I don't really think they'll make him smarter but they do make him quiet and happy while mommy takes a shower or makes dinner (shake and bake takes time you know) so they're alright in my book. Here's a picture of him enjoying his latest Baby Einstein DVD...Baby Galileo. They name them all after very smart people so you'll think your baby will turn into a genius if you make sure to buy all 57 DVDs. He looks like me when I watch 24 - confused and intrigued. Pretty soon he'll be making me pause it so he can ask me stupid questions about what's going on in the movie like I do to Joe!


At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBQ Suace is good, but don't smuther it on him. We already love him the way he is!


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